

And another sad massage…after Layla all of a sudden also our Nelly made her way unexpectedly over the rainbowbridge. I am forever grateful to Geine Edenius (Lindatorps) for our little mouse, with whom we were not only very successful in the showring but who was also our foundation bitch for our kennel. Despite coming from the far north Nelly fit perfectly to her new home as a „Basaltkopp“ (basalt head). What our princess did not want, she simply did not want and she was not afraid to tell her opinion loudly :)! However she was always the happiest girl, never stopping to wave her tail :)! I am so glad our Nelly-girl will live forward in her kids and grandkids and I hope she is happy over there with Luke and Layla!



With great sadness our Layla got on her way to cross the rainbowbridge. She was our little „Zicki“ („bitch“), who knew right from the start what she wants and what she does not and was never afraid to show this. Although she was a smaller example of the breed she always showed how „big“ she is…in agility, dogdancing or just while playing with her beloved toys. Farewell my little Muckelchen!



Today we have a new star in the sky..our beloved Luke decided all of a sudden he had to go… He was the most gentle boy, never aggressive agains any other animal…but he still had his own head…he loved to stroll around and when there was something going on in the neighbourhood he just had bees in his bud and had to check…Thank you Luke for letting us accompany you!



This weekend we switched the results: Billy ended up being German Veteran Winner 2021 and finally Best Veteran Of Breed! On her second show Maggie was her flighty self and was placed second in her class :)!



After a very long show break we were finally on the road again. Father and daughter did quite well: On her very first show Maggie won a strong junior class and ended up Junior Winner Rhineland-Palatinate 2021. Billy was placed second in veteran class :)!



Billy “Serenely’s Amore Per Sempre” was additionally DNA-tested on the two diseases „von Willebrand Disease Typ I (vWD)“ and „Factor VII Deficiency (FVII)“. We are glad to announce that he is like in PRA1 and NAD genetically homozygous free. This means none of his offspring will ever get these diseases :)!



We are so excited, that finally after four years we welcome our C-litter :)! Rose gave birth to a boy and a girl. Both are doing fine and gain weight :)!



WOW! What a weekend! On friday Zoras daughter Darfil Make A Wish „Enota“ won the titel „Autumn Juniorwinner“ in Dortmund on the Autumn Winner Show. But that is not all…on sunday mother and daughter showed their ass off and finished as federal juniorwinner and federal winner on the German Federal Winner Show! Sadly this also meant that our time together with our little Zora-girl is over since she then went back to her owner Irina. Nevertheless I am more than happy, that I had the opportunity to show „our“ girl around Germany, Austria and Luxemburg :)!








Zora and me visited Austria and came back with some more CACAs and a new title :)!


In Meitingen Rose and me rocked the ring! My crazy little girl finished her German Juniorchampion VDH and VK and ended up as Best Junior of Breed :)!


Zora and me entered the showring in Luxemburg this weekend. I am proud to show you our new „Champion of Luxemburg“ Serenely’s Be My Baby!


We went on a girlstip to IDS/NDS in Hude! Both Zora as well as Rose won their classes. On sunday Zora was even Best Female. With this show she finished her German Champion (VDH) in only 4 shows!



We attended the National and International Dog Show in Nürnberg. Our guest Zora CH „Serenely’s Be My Baby“ had her debut with me in the german show rings and won her class both days. On saturday she was even Best Female and on sunday she was Res. CACIB :)! Also our little Rose „Keramet’s Rambling Rose“ gave her best and was placed third and second in a strong junior class :)!



On European Dog Show in Wels (Austria) our „Zora“ Serenely’s Be My Baby won VICE-EUROPEAN WINNER! Wow…I am still speechless and I am so proud of this girl and her owner Irina Dar!


Billy and I were in Hungary again….and what a result! Billy was both days best male only beaten by his little halfsister „Zora“ Serenely’s Be My Baby!


Our new member Keramet’s Rambling Rose “Rose” was on her very first show in junior class. With much older competition and quite a few junior bitches she was placed second :)! We are very proud on our little girl!


Although it calmed down a bit around us for the moment, our Zora (Serenely’s Be My Baby) is very sucessful with Irina (Darfil Papillons). Following the titles she already gained with 2 years of age:

Junior Champion of Russia, Belarus, Lithuania, Club-Juniorwinner, Baltic Juniorwinner as well as Champion from Russia, Lithuania and Belarus



Today we showed Nelly for the very first time in Veteran Class. On the WORLD DOG SHOW Nelly was placed third best veteran bitch! I am so proud of our girl :)!

I also had the chance to meet our Zora (Seenrely’s Be My Baby) again. She was also placed third in intermedia class :)!



We made a puppy party with our B-litter :)! On the picture: Mummy Nelly (Lindatorps Corona), Jacky (Born To Be Wild), Sammy (By My Side) and Waffie (Beautiful Love)! Besides we got some greetings from Blacky from Switzerland! We are looking forward to the next time :)!



This time I was not on tour with our showman but with our offspring Blacky: Just like his halfbrother he did fantastic on his very first show by winning BEST BABY IN SHOW!



Billy and me where on tour again..this time in the czech republic…we were sucessful on the Interdog Bohemia in Mlada Boleslav: We were also able to finish the Czech Champion title in style with a RESERVE BEST IN GROUP :)!



Results from the USA (PennGen): Both Nelly and Billy are homozygous genetically free rom NAD (Neuroaxonal Dystrophy)!


After an exhausting weekend in Szombathely /Hungary we are very happy to announce, that Billy was able to finish another champion title….he even finished it in style with a BEST IN GROUP!


Oh what a wonderful time in Denmark! And we even got a new champion title!

Dänemark  Dänemark Vejen


Billy and me have been successfully to the Czech Republic! He was able to not just start his Czech Champion but to als finish in style with BOB!


We are so happy to announce the arrival of Nellys puppies! We are excited about 3 boys and 2 girls! For more information have a look under „Puppies“!



Today Amy and me visited the CACIB in Charleroi. In the country of origin of the Papillon breed Amy was able to finish her International Champion as Best Female! Well done my little girl :)!

Amy CACIB Charleroi 15klein


Today was our annual Clubwinner of the Papillon- and Phalene-Club. Like the last two years my two sweeties were able to gain the title male and female Clubwinner! Billy was also the third time in a row Best Of Breed and went on for even being BEST IN SHOW SPECIALTY with a nice remark of breed specialist Mr. Berthold Peterburs! Furthermore we had our debut in the couple class and Amy and Billy where Best Couple In Show :)!

Billy BISSneuklein Amy Clubsiegerin 2015neuklein


This summer we were on tour in Austria and Hungary. We had a wonderful time, saw a lot and were even quite successful on the shows :)! Both Billy and Amy were able to start the Hungarian Champion and to finish the Austrian Champion :)! Billy was Best Of Breed on all 3 shows and on both shows even Best In Group-5! I am very proud of my two :)!

CIMG4851klein CIMG4850klein

BIG5 Oberwart


Last weekend we entered the National All Breed Show in Saarbrücken. Amy was able to not just finish her German CH VDH but also being Best Bitch (BOS) and finally BEST OF BREED! I am very proud of my little girl! This is the third year in a row that one of my dogs goes BOB on this show and within five years 4 BOS/BOB (we didn t attend one year :)!) ….

Nat Saarbrücken 2015


On 13.02.2015 our little Billy BISS MultiCH Clubwinner 13+14 „Serenely’s Amore Per Sempre“ got his first little babys :)! Mommy is the wonderful Gini MultiCH „Borgos Sommernachtstraum Xpress“. We are very proud of a little girl „Sunny“ and a little boy „Sid“!

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Last weekend we went to the clubwinnershow of the Papillon and Phalene Club Germany…wow…back to back both of my sweeties gained the title „Clubwinner“ and even Billy was able to get another Best Of Breed! I am so so happy :)!



Today we went to the Int. show in Gießen….Amy was second best bitch with a really nice report from a breedspecialist :)! Well done my little sweety!



On the CACIB in Luxembourg Billy not only won a strong Open Class and finished up being second best male but he was also able to finish his Luxembourg Champion :)! I am so proud of my boy!

Serenely's Amore Per Sempre


We went to the Double-CACIB in Innsbruck :)! Both Billy as well as Amy gained another CACA towards their Austrian Champion :)!

Serenely's Amare La Vita Serenely's Amore Per Sempre


Like ice in the sunshine….I m melting away…this was our sunday in Saarbrücken..but it was worth it :)! Billy was able to finish his German Champion VDH and also Amy won her class and is a step closer to her German Champion VDH and International Champion title :)!

Billy CACIB Saarbrücken 2014    Amy CACIB Saarbrücken 2014


We were on holidays in San Marino….but we could not resist and entered a show while enjoying our trip :)! Billy as well as Amy won their class and moreover Billy was able to finish his International Champion! I am more than proud!

IMG_7551neu    IMG_7517neu



On the CAC in Unna also Billy was able to finish his German Champion in style with Best Of Breed on his very first show weekend after his break! I am so proud of my „little ones“!



After a long break we were on tour again…this time on the Spring Winner in Dortmund: Amy won Open Class and was Res. Spring Winner 2014! With this win at first attempt she was able to finish her German Champion!



We entered the Clubwinner show in Coburg…and Nellys kids follow her footsteps: Both Amy and Billy gained the title Clubwinner 2013. But futhermore Billy not just went Best Of Breed but also Best In Show!

Billy Coburg  Amy Coburg 2013

Billy BIS Coburg 2013


Today Billy and me visited Mio, Amys and Billys litterbrother :)!

  Serenely's Amore Mio  Serenely's Amore Mio

Serenely's Amore Per Sempre  Serenely's

Serenely's Amore Mio


We have been on tour in Innsbruck…and we had our first group placement :)!! I am SO proud of my little boy!

Gruppensieger Innsbruck 11.08.2013


Amy and me went to the CAC show in Olpe…and she was GREAT :)!!! More information in „Shows“ and „Amy“…

Amy Olpe 2013


Today we received news from Optigen in the US…Nelly as well as her kids Amy and Billy are genetically free of PRA1! They will never develop PRA1 or pass it on to their offspring!


We have been on tour in austria again :)! What can I say….wow… Billy and Amy started their Austrian Champion at first attempt and were also able to collect some more CACIBs for their International Champion ..and also their mum Nelly did well.. she finished her Austrian Champion! Amy was Best Female on saturday and even Best of Breed on sunday! I am so proud of my three little ones!

Amy BOB Klagenfurt 2013


This weekend we went on the National and International Show in Saarbrücken…and our results are nothing to sneeze on :)! Billy won both days intermediate class and additionally on the International he not just started at first attempt his International Champion but was also placed Best of Breed again :)! My little Amy was placed second in intermediate class :)! I am sooo proud :)! More information in „shows“!

Saarbrücken 2013   Saarbrücken 2013


We were on tour again this weekend….and I am still overwhelmed with feelings…I never would have expected this!!! On friday on the European Winner VDH in Dortmund my „little“ boy exceeded all my expectations and not just gained the title „European Juniorwinner VDH 2013“ but also beat all other dogs and gained Best of Breed! Also his mum did well…Nelly won championclass and with the nice comment „Is this the mum? -Yes…Sure…you can t deny quality!“ she also gained the Res. CACIB :)! This really made my day :)!!! Thank you so much Mrs. Klotz (DE)!!
And on sunday we went to the CAC show in Unna-Königsborn..both of my little ones won their classes….and Billy again gained the Best of Breed and his sister Amy was Best Bitch! I am really happy about the really nice reports of judge Mr. H. Stanley (IRL)!!!

Amy Serenely's Amare La Vita    Billy Serenely's Amore Per Sempre    Nelly Lindatorps Corona Dortmund 2013    Unna 2013


Today we visited the CACIB in Luxemburg..with a total entry of 46 Papillons my Billy started his Luxemburgish Champion from intermediate class :)!


Due to my prevention my dear friend Regina Keller (Papillons vom Salamandertal) showed my sweet Amy on CAC in Duderstadt…and what a result!!! Amy was not just Best of Breed (BOB) from junior class but also lateron best junior dog in show (JBIS)!!!! I am so overwhelmed…thank you so much Regina!!!

Amy BOB JBIS Duderstadt


We entered CAC Recklinghausen…more information in „Shows“….besides Amy and Billy finally got their own new pages :)!

Serenely's Amare La Vita  Serenely's Amore Per Sempre

Serenely's Amare La Vita  Serenely's Amore Per Sempre


The new year starts great :)…On the CACIB Nürnberg my Billy won in big competition and ended up being best junior and under the best three of the breed :)! He fulfilled the requirements for his third championtitle and can now be called „Lux JCh,Dt JCh-Club, Dt JCh-VDH Serenely’s Amore Per Sempre“!



Time goes by so fast…today the sweet little babies of my A-Litter (Amore Per Sempre (Billy), Amore Mio (Mio) and Amare La Vita (Amy)) already turn one year old! May there be lots of more happy happy years!!


Last weekend we were on tour again…and I am so proud of my little ones! Billy won his class and finished his second Championtitle „German Juniorchampion Club (VK)“ within only two shows ! Also his sister Amy did well: She also won her class and went on being Best Female!



What a weekend! I am still speechless! On saturday Nelly won under fierce competition the CACIB and was BOS. With this win she gained the title “ International Champion“! My little Billy won his class at the tender age of just 9 months at his very first show in junior class and gained the title „Luxemburg Junior Champion“. Yesterday at the CACIB Gießen Billy and his sister Amy won their classes and started their German Junior Champions. But even better…Billy also won Best Junior, best Male and even BOB!!!



Today we entered the CAC Unna and Amy and Billy did really GREAT in the ring! Both won their classes and got a really nice report from the judge!



GREAT NEWS! I just heard that Noah „Connection I Know Nothing“, the father of our puppies, received the title „World Winner 2012“! With this father and grandfather of our little ones are World Winner! Then he even went on being BOB out of 118 entered Papillons! BIG Congratulations to owner Jan Roosens and breeder Vesa Toivanen! We are so proud!


New pictures of our babys :)!


Yesterday we got the official confirmation of Nellys VDH Champion title :)!


No aprils fool :)! Today we went on the first show for this year with Nelly and her son Billy…and well..we came back with a GERMAN CHAMPION VDH + Club at the age of hardly 2,5 years and BPIS-2 at the age of just 4 months :)! I am over the moon and so proud of my two doggies!



New pictures of our puppies at the age of 14 weeks :)! More in „puppies“!


Our puppies are already 9,5 weeks old now and we have made some really nice  pictures! More in „puppies“…


We have puppies :)!


Happy birthday sweetie, now you already turn 4 years old..time runs fast…But I am glad you are still as cheeky and hyeractive as you have been from the beginning on :)! Stay as you are my little princess!

3,5 years


Happy Birthday my sweet darling! Now you also turned 2 years already…I wish you all the best…stay as cheeky as you are and always with 1000 ants in your pants :)!


Today we had a wonderful day in Wetter…we had lots of fun and also a little bit of success :D..more information in „shows“…



Today we were also very successful at the CAC Etzbach. Nelly was handled by my dear friend Claudia..thank you soo much again!

Yesterday we had our annual  Agility Fun Tournament.. our results are quite good: Luke was placed first, Layla second and Nelly fourth :)!


Yesterday we were at the vets and Nelly got tested for several hereditary eye diseases..and she is free :)!


We were at the CACIB in Ludwigshafen..more information under „shows“!


Today we visited the CACIB in Bremen and we did not only meet new people but also were successful :)! More information under „shows“…

28.07.2011 I got message from FCI-VDH : It was the confirmation of my from now on, I am an official breeder :)! Lets see what time will bring us…


HAPPY BIRTHDAY my sweet little boy!!! I hope we have plenty of more happy years to come :)! Stay as you are Luke – happy and healthy..and sometimes a little cheeky :)!


Today was a CAC Show in Olpe…Nelly was handled by my friend Claudia ..the results are shown under „shows“! (Thank you so much Claudia, for everything!!!)


This weekend we went to the Wörther lake – not just for holidays…more information in shows !


We had a great show-weekend in Saarbrücken! More information in „shows“.


Today we joined for the first time intermediate class in another country and it was GREAT! I am very proud on my little cutie Nelly. More information in „shows“…

1,5 years


Today we went to the FCI – Centenary – Winner – Show in Dortmund. Many papillonswere entered and we did quite well :)! More information in „shows“…


After a very long weekend we are finally back home. We had our first start on a CACIB in intermediate class and we did quite well :)! More information in  „Shows“ and „Nelly“!


Today we attended the CAC Show in Krumbach and Nelly gained her second CAC for her German VDH- and Club-Champion :-)! We had a nice weekend and we would like to thank all those people who made it possible and those who I met for the first time :)!


Today I got news from my breeding board: Nelly is now officially in the club PL 0/0 as well as admitted for breeding! Additionally she is now officially

„German Junior Champion Club (PPCD)“

I would like to thank all the judges again for giving us always such nice reports!

27.03.2011 CACIB Luxemburg

In a strong class Nelly was placed 3rd! I am very proud of my little girl!

19./20.03.2011 CAC Recklinghausen

This weekend Nelly had her debut in intermedia class! She not just won her class but she also won the Club CAC!

07.03.2011 PL-Check

Now it is officially: My Nelly has PL 0/0 !!!

13.02.2011 International Rheinberg

Nelly was great today! Under  hard competition Nelly was placed second :)!

15.01.2011 International Nürnberg

Nelly won her class :)!

11.01.2011 Jippiiieee..I hereby officially announce : On the 12th of march I am going to the one and only CRUFTS in Birmingham/ UK :)!!!

12.12.2010 International Kassel

Today in Kassel Nelly was on the 2nd place at youth-class!

20.11.2010 CAC Grosskarlbach

Today we went to Grosskarlbach…exceptionally I checked in my little girl Layla…well,it was worth it :)!!! Again it proved, that even a little Papillon can leave some impression :)!!!  More information in „Shows“!

02.11.2010 Happy Birthday my little cutie Layla!!!

Today you already turn 3 years old…how time flies and years go by!! I am so glad having you by my side and I hope we still have plenty of more wonderful years to come!!

21.10.2010 Happy Birthday my sweet „little“ Nelly!!!

Nelly turns already 1 year old today!

17.10.2010 Loooooong weekend..but with a nice finish…BOB!!!

We went this weekend two days to Dortmund and today we were in Unna-Kö was real hard but Nelly did such a great job..she was so motivated and even concentrated until the end!!

For more information: Shows

26.09.2010 CAC Recklinghausen

More information in „shows“! Today Nelly finished her German Junior-Champion -Club within only 2 weeks!

25.09.2010 CAC Recklinghausen

More information in „shows“!

15.09.2010 Practical exam: Companion Dog /Behavior

Today Layla was tested on her ability to be of good character/nature and to be a well trained companion dog. We passed this exam succesfully. Tested by Jan Nijboer we had to pass following situations: behaviour at home, in the car, in the streets, behaviour to different people and animals both in my presence and absence..

We passed it sucessfully although we still have to get our final result. This result will be registered at the county council.

I want congratulate Bärbel with Tessa, Helga with Tino and Kirsten with Timea on their successful passing of the exam!

f.l.t.r.: Helga and Tino, trainer, me, Jan Nijboer and Layla, Kirsten and Timea, Bärbel and Tessa

12.09.2010 CAC Etzbach

More information in  „Shows“!

Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Schittenhelm for the pictures of Nelly!

03.09.2010 International Dog Show Luxemburg

Signed in were 30 papillons. More information under „shows“!

21./22.08.2010 National and International Dog Show Leipzig

This weekend was Nelly s debut in youth class and she got real good reports!

More under „shows“

20.07.2010 HAPPY BIRTHDAY Luke!!! Today my little boy already turns 2 years old!!!

10.07.2010 Theoretical exam for „companion dog test“

27.06.2010 Wissen/Sieg Fun Agility Turnament :

Nelly: 1.Place Beginner s class

Luke: 3. Place Advanced class

Layla: 3. Place Professional class

27.05.2010 CACIB  Gießen

Nelly did very well in her first show and got a Very Promising 1 from judge Mrs. A.Starke!

08.04.2010 Today I came back with my new future hope: Lindatorps Corona

Thank you so much Geine for this beautiful little girl!